
Thursday 6 September 2012

Rhys' Acrostic Poem

Levi's Acrostic Poem

Kavarn's Acrostic Poem

Jamie's Acrostic Poem

Nathanael's Acrostic Poem

Jordan's Acrostic Poem

Pippa's Acrostic Poem

Rowan's Acrostic Poem

Sam's Acrostic Poem

Mikayla's Acrostic Poem

Jasmine's Acrostic Poem

Logan T's Acrostic Poem

Jess P's Acrostic Poem

Natalie's Acrostic Poem

Joe's Acrostic Poem

Ella's Acrostic Poem

Jessica B's Acrostic Poem

Keenan's Acrostic Poem

Acrostic Poems

We have started to look at different forms of poetry and started with looking at acrostic poems. The old but loved poem was a favourite that many children already had a great knowledge about so we were about to get straight into writing them. We have spent quite a bit of time at looking at the different language features that are commonly used in descriptive pieces of writing and in poetry and have enjoyed writing our own similies, metaphors and alliteration. We especially enjoyed drawing our onomatopoeia words!

We worked hard on making our acrostic poems interesting and not just one word lines. Here are a few images of our finished work, I hope you enjoy them :)

Our Fabulous Quilling

Quilling, the coiling and shaping of narrow paper strips to create a design, has been around for years — hundreds, in fact. During the Renaissance, nuns and monks would roll gold-gilded paper remnants trimmed during the bookmaking process, and use them to decorate religious objects as an alternative to costly gold filigree. Quilling later became a pastime of 18th and 19th century young ladies in England, who would decorate tea caddies and pieces of furniture with paper filigree.

We have spent much time with Mrs Lyon mastering the art of quilling - and if I can say so myself we are all so talented in this area now. We created many spectacular pieces of art work, starting from black and white contrasting designs to a complete A3 image.

Our Cross Country

Last week on the 31st of September was the Leamington School country! And wow, wow, WOW, room  6 did amazingly well We have 5 runners from our class alone heading to the interschools to run around Karapiro tomorrow - hopefully the weather stays clear for them :)

We had a fantastic day last friday, everyone in their house colours cheering their friends and team mates along. The atmospehere could not have been any better! We enjoyed the sunshine and coming together to sing our chants.

From room six we had the following top five placings:

8 Year old boys - 1st, 3rd
8 Year old girls - 1st, 2nd
9 year old boys - 5th place (extremely well run, especially considering all the other boys are nearly 10!)

Busy, Busy Room 6!

What a term it has been!! We are coming up fast to the end of the term and with many exciting events to happen yet!! Next week we are very busy with our Family Concert and Grandparents Day. We are all so excited for our families to come and watch us perform and see around our classrooms. We have been so busy getting everything ready and learning great organisation skills :)

Still can not believe the end of term is coming in three weeks, before we know it it will be christmas time!!