
Monday 27 February 2012

Life's a Happy Song...

We have been practicing a new song in Room 6! We are all loving the new and fun song and have so many ideas about what we can do with it. We thought we would record how we are are going so far, as a way to identify areas we need to work on - especially parts where we need to go over the words a bit more. We also were able to identify the parts we liked!

We had a good laugh watching the video and made some really great comments about what we were doing well and what we need to improve on. We really liked the start of the song, and also like how we all have started to make the beat with our hands on the floor part way through the song. 

Watch the video and comment about the parts you like! 

Sunday 26 February 2012

What week 4 had in store for us!

What a great week we all have had! Room 6 is really off to a fantastic start this year, and I can't believe we are one week off being half way through term one - how crazy is that!! We had our beautiful class photo on Thursday and am looking forward to having the printed copy sent to us soon - also keep a watch out on here for it :)

We have been busy this week swimming (when the weather was nice to us), practicing our free style, back stroke and breast stroke techniques - building our skills and confidence in the water ready for Swimming Sports, which are coming up on Friday the 9th of March. We have also started learning about fractions and I have to say Room 6 has already has some awesome knowledge in this area and I can not wait to have fun with this topic. I have also been so very impressed with the quality of writing in Room 6, the stories that are written in this room are outstanding - some spectacular students are even writing their own short chapter books! I hope to be able to put some published work up very soon.

We have started a new science and social sciences topic this week concentrated on Wetlands, you will see below the words we know about this already - we plan to keep adding to our Wordle as we become experts in this area! We have lots of awesome activities planned for this topic and I can not wait to get involved in all of them. 

Be sure to keep checking out our page this week to see some more pictures and videos of Room 6 in action!

Wednesday 22 February 2012

What we think Wetlands are about...

We have started a fantastic new topic for this term... Wetlands... we are going to be researching into what a wetland is, why they are important, what lives in this environment and do these environments need protecting, if so how. We also have a trip planned to a local environment that will reinforce the reasons why these environments are important! Hopefully we will be able to find out some amazing facts and really find a way to help the wetlands.

We made this Wordle about what we think wetlands are about, and I am sure over the next few weeks we will add many more new details and words to it!


Wordle: Wetlands

Friday 17 February 2012


Since the beginning of term we have been practicing our swimming techniques, getting ready for swimming sports in week 6. Room 6 has a brilliant bunch of swimmers who are very confident in the water and seem to really enjoy this time of day! Remember we are swimming everyday so bring your togs everyday!!

We know our Two Times Tables!

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Reading Eggs!!

We have signed up to a new cool site called reading eggs - which is a fun and interactive website that helps with our comprehension skills, spelling and overall reading! Its fun and exciting to use and it is pretty easy to navigate around. Everyone has their own log in that they all have been told to put into their homework books, so get online and have a great time learning!

Monday 13 February 2012

Our spectacular, amazing, and terrific Bio Poems

Room 6 has been working hard completing our amazing Bio-Poems. These are a great way to introduce a little bit about ourselves to everyone. We have been publishing them which is a lot of fun, and have been learning to use different font style and sizes to create different effects. 

Here are a few of our published copies!

Sunday 5 February 2012

Room 6 Kittens

On Tuesday, just after the first day back at school had finished, I heard a little "meow" coming from the corridor just behind room 6. So I shot out in hurry and tracked down where this sound was coming from. The next thing I have found a little kitten hiding in the reading recovery rooms. I quickly snatched it up and was surprised that it was so friendly. I got yet another surprise when I heard the same thing happen again... "meow, meow", but this time coming from just outside the doors. Another kitten! 

The next day we started an investigation into where these beautiful kittens would have come from and I was blown by the ideas and suggestions of our spectacular class. We also looked into what are we going to do with them now. The class split up into a number of different groups (all formed by them), working on different things - ringing vets in case someone lost them, making lost posters, designing a house for them to sleep in, budgeting for how we are going to feed them and purchase kitty litter, creating names (using the different letters of Leamington School), and creating a slide show to present to the principal to see if we could keep them as class kittens.

Room 6 is very lucky as we have had two class kittens who have been hanging out all day in room 6 and enjoying the night at home with Miss McDivitt. On Friday, Mikayla and her family were very lucky and adopted the light grey, stripy kitten. We can not wait to hear what they have named him on Tuesday. 

Room 6 has one kitten that will be staying and keeping us company, so we now face the challenge of finding a name for this cute little creature! Enjoy the photos room 6 has taken of them so far.

Miss M

Saturday 4 February 2012

Welcome to Room 6 2012!!

Kia Ora and Welcome to Room 6's classroom blog for 2012! We have had a very busy and exciting first week back at Leamington School, and we are loving every second of it! It has been extremely enjoyable getting to know everyone in our amazing class. We have been busy starting our new topics, swimming, .and attending a Mihi Whakatau - which welcomed the new teachers into Leamington School (including me). We also were very lucky and had some spectacular Speed Boats visit our school. We got to have a good look in and around a number of different types of speed boats and learned a lot about them - did you know they race at speeds around 180 miles per hour!!

Keep a watchful eye on our classroom blog as we will be updating it often with students work, pictures and videos to show you our learning journey and what we are doing in Room 6 - which, by the way, is the BEST classroom!

Miss McDivitt