
Sunday 5 February 2012

Room 6 Kittens

On Tuesday, just after the first day back at school had finished, I heard a little "meow" coming from the corridor just behind room 6. So I shot out in hurry and tracked down where this sound was coming from. The next thing I have found a little kitten hiding in the reading recovery rooms. I quickly snatched it up and was surprised that it was so friendly. I got yet another surprise when I heard the same thing happen again... "meow, meow", but this time coming from just outside the doors. Another kitten! 

The next day we started an investigation into where these beautiful kittens would have come from and I was blown by the ideas and suggestions of our spectacular class. We also looked into what are we going to do with them now. The class split up into a number of different groups (all formed by them), working on different things - ringing vets in case someone lost them, making lost posters, designing a house for them to sleep in, budgeting for how we are going to feed them and purchase kitty litter, creating names (using the different letters of Leamington School), and creating a slide show to present to the principal to see if we could keep them as class kittens.

Room 6 is very lucky as we have had two class kittens who have been hanging out all day in room 6 and enjoying the night at home with Miss McDivitt. On Friday, Mikayla and her family were very lucky and adopted the light grey, stripy kitten. We can not wait to hear what they have named him on Tuesday. 

Room 6 has one kitten that will be staying and keeping us company, so we now face the challenge of finding a name for this cute little creature! Enjoy the photos room 6 has taken of them so far.

Miss M


  1. They are really cute have they gotten bigger from jessica

  2. So cool. My mum said we couldn't adopt the first one because our cat would probly rip it apart! Not so good. Daniel, my brother, would have hurt it aswell. :( Not the right place for a kitten.

  3. there names are sunny and max
