
Sunday 26 February 2012

What week 4 had in store for us!

What a great week we all have had! Room 6 is really off to a fantastic start this year, and I can't believe we are one week off being half way through term one - how crazy is that!! We had our beautiful class photo on Thursday and am looking forward to having the printed copy sent to us soon - also keep a watch out on here for it :)

We have been busy this week swimming (when the weather was nice to us), practicing our free style, back stroke and breast stroke techniques - building our skills and confidence in the water ready for Swimming Sports, which are coming up on Friday the 9th of March. We have also started learning about fractions and I have to say Room 6 has already has some awesome knowledge in this area and I can not wait to have fun with this topic. I have also been so very impressed with the quality of writing in Room 6, the stories that are written in this room are outstanding - some spectacular students are even writing their own short chapter books! I hope to be able to put some published work up very soon.

We have started a new science and social sciences topic this week concentrated on Wetlands, you will see below the words we know about this already - we plan to keep adding to our Wordle as we become experts in this area! We have lots of awesome activities planned for this topic and I can not wait to get involved in all of them. 

Be sure to keep checking out our page this week to see some more pictures and videos of Room 6 in action!

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