
Sunday 15 July 2012

Poppy's amazing narrative

Chapter One:
I was happily playing at the beach. The fresh breeze blew through my hair as I span around and around. I could taste the salty sea and I could smell my fires flames burning. I could hear the birds squawking and I could see lovely dolphins jumping out of the sea and back in again. I fall asleep by the fire it was so warm and relaxing

Chapter Two:
I woke up and looked around, I was alone on a sandy island. I don’t know how I got here. I felt sad because there was no one to play with. I was hungry and tired. So I built a hut.

Chapter Three:
I began to explore the island. I found some food and took it into the hut and made a bed, a pillow and a blanket to keep me warm out of leaves and wild chicken feathers. I found an old flag off a ship and used that as a blanket and another flag off a ship which I stuffed full of feather and lay it on the ground.

Chapter Four:
I found a bag with a bottle of water, a pencil and some paper with it. I wrote on the paper:
“Whoever has this letter please take me home or else I will die here. I am alone on an island with not much for food or water. from Poppy Kirkham”. I drank the water quickly as I was very thirsty. I then rolled the note up tight, placed it in the bottle and threw it far out to sea.

Chapter Five:
the next day I uncovered a treasure map in the sand. I followed the map and it took me to the skull cave, the dark and scary woods and a deep dark cave. After that there was a tree which has ghosts living in it. Next came the slimy slippery rocks and near that there was a box of treasure. There was a lot of gold. If I ever get off this island I will never need any more money for the rest of my life.

Chapter Six:
I spied a ship on the horizon. I thought this would be my chance to escape and get off this lonely island. I waved my hands madly at the ship. It must have spotted me as it turned and started to come closer and closer. I was so excited to be finally free.  My joy turned to horror as I saw the pirate flag blowing in the wind as it came closer and closer.

Chapter Seven:
I ran to hide in the vines. The vines blocked me from being seen from the pirates. I knew they were looking for my treasure. I could only see black but when I looked down I could see my feet only a little bit. They searched and searched but had no luck finding my treasure or me. They left soon and I watched the ship disappear out to sea.

Chapter Eight:
I heard a thundering noise of a helicopter approaching the island then it landed on the islands beach I didn’t want to leave the island. But I am leaving; I can’t wait until mum bakes my favourite apple pie. I was dying for a hot shower. I think I am going to have the apple pie for breakfast, dinner and desert tomorrow. When I got in the helicopter mum, she was so happy to see me. As we took off the island became a tiny speck in the distance, I felt happy that I was finally safe.

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