
Tuesday 3 April 2012

Wow its week 10...

Time has flown by! I can not believe how fast this term has gone. It has been an extremely successful and fun term. I have enjoyed every moment of being in Room 6 and can not wait to see what will happen throughout the year.  We have had lots of fun and have learned a lot, we have successfully completed our math unit on fractions, and have already developed our basic facts skills. We have looked at many different reading strategies, and how they help us become better readers. We have looked at making predictions, activating our prior knowledge, summarizing, questioning, and becoming self-monitors. Room 6 has completed some fantastic writing this term, we have produced out-standing bio-poems, amazing recount writing pieces and some brilliant and spectacular report writing pieces (which will be published online over the next few days). We loved our adventure to the wetlands and learning so many different things about the ecosystem. 
We also had some amazing highlights, the first was finding Room 6's baby - Sunny the Little Puss who joined us from week one, visiting a few days a week ever since. Golly she has grown fast, but still loves all of the attention. We had the Hydro-planes visit the school which was a great experience to see what they look like up close and in side. Just last week we also had a hot air balloon visit the school and wow that was amazing, seeing that balloon being inflated that close on a beautiful Friday morning was fabulous! 
I am very excited to see what term 2 brings... I know we already have some awesome fun and learning planned for everyone :)

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