
Thursday 6 September 2012

Rhys' Acrostic Poem

Levi's Acrostic Poem

Kavarn's Acrostic Poem

Jamie's Acrostic Poem

Nathanael's Acrostic Poem

Jordan's Acrostic Poem

Pippa's Acrostic Poem

Rowan's Acrostic Poem

Sam's Acrostic Poem

Mikayla's Acrostic Poem

Jasmine's Acrostic Poem

Logan T's Acrostic Poem

Jess P's Acrostic Poem

Natalie's Acrostic Poem

Joe's Acrostic Poem

Ella's Acrostic Poem

Jessica B's Acrostic Poem

Keenan's Acrostic Poem

Acrostic Poems

We have started to look at different forms of poetry and started with looking at acrostic poems. The old but loved poem was a favourite that many children already had a great knowledge about so we were about to get straight into writing them. We have spent quite a bit of time at looking at the different language features that are commonly used in descriptive pieces of writing and in poetry and have enjoyed writing our own similies, metaphors and alliteration. We especially enjoyed drawing our onomatopoeia words!

We worked hard on making our acrostic poems interesting and not just one word lines. Here are a few images of our finished work, I hope you enjoy them :)

Our Fabulous Quilling

Quilling, the coiling and shaping of narrow paper strips to create a design, has been around for years — hundreds, in fact. During the Renaissance, nuns and monks would roll gold-gilded paper remnants trimmed during the bookmaking process, and use them to decorate religious objects as an alternative to costly gold filigree. Quilling later became a pastime of 18th and 19th century young ladies in England, who would decorate tea caddies and pieces of furniture with paper filigree.

We have spent much time with Mrs Lyon mastering the art of quilling - and if I can say so myself we are all so talented in this area now. We created many spectacular pieces of art work, starting from black and white contrasting designs to a complete A3 image.

Our Cross Country

Last week on the 31st of September was the Leamington School country! And wow, wow, WOW, room  6 did amazingly well We have 5 runners from our class alone heading to the interschools to run around Karapiro tomorrow - hopefully the weather stays clear for them :)

We had a fantastic day last friday, everyone in their house colours cheering their friends and team mates along. The atmospehere could not have been any better! We enjoyed the sunshine and coming together to sing our chants.

From room six we had the following top five placings:

8 Year old boys - 1st, 3rd
8 Year old girls - 1st, 2nd
9 year old boys - 5th place (extremely well run, especially considering all the other boys are nearly 10!)

Busy, Busy Room 6!

What a term it has been!! We are coming up fast to the end of the term and with many exciting events to happen yet!! Next week we are very busy with our Family Concert and Grandparents Day. We are all so excited for our families to come and watch us perform and see around our classrooms. We have been so busy getting everything ready and learning great organisation skills :)

Still can not believe the end of term is coming in three weeks, before we know it it will be christmas time!!

Monday 30 July 2012

A few of our flags :)


We are so excited about the olympics!! We have been studying all about the different countries competing, and have already learnt so much. We have painted the flags and they are haniging in our class windows for everyone to see.

We are closely following New Zealand and their success'. We are so excited the Blacksticks won, especially over our rivals Australia. We are doing very eager watching the rowing as well - already we broke a world record! Keep up the fantastic work New Zealand!!

Sunday 15 July 2012

Poppy's amazing narrative

Chapter One:
I was happily playing at the beach. The fresh breeze blew through my hair as I span around and around. I could taste the salty sea and I could smell my fires flames burning. I could hear the birds squawking and I could see lovely dolphins jumping out of the sea and back in again. I fall asleep by the fire it was so warm and relaxing

Chapter Two:
I woke up and looked around, I was alone on a sandy island. I don’t know how I got here. I felt sad because there was no one to play with. I was hungry and tired. So I built a hut.

Chapter Three:
I began to explore the island. I found some food and took it into the hut and made a bed, a pillow and a blanket to keep me warm out of leaves and wild chicken feathers. I found an old flag off a ship and used that as a blanket and another flag off a ship which I stuffed full of feather and lay it on the ground.

Chapter Four:
I found a bag with a bottle of water, a pencil and some paper with it. I wrote on the paper:
“Whoever has this letter please take me home or else I will die here. I am alone on an island with not much for food or water. from Poppy Kirkham”. I drank the water quickly as I was very thirsty. I then rolled the note up tight, placed it in the bottle and threw it far out to sea.

Chapter Five:
the next day I uncovered a treasure map in the sand. I followed the map and it took me to the skull cave, the dark and scary woods and a deep dark cave. After that there was a tree which has ghosts living in it. Next came the slimy slippery rocks and near that there was a box of treasure. There was a lot of gold. If I ever get off this island I will never need any more money for the rest of my life.

Chapter Six:
I spied a ship on the horizon. I thought this would be my chance to escape and get off this lonely island. I waved my hands madly at the ship. It must have spotted me as it turned and started to come closer and closer. I was so excited to be finally free.  My joy turned to horror as I saw the pirate flag blowing in the wind as it came closer and closer.

Chapter Seven:
I ran to hide in the vines. The vines blocked me from being seen from the pirates. I knew they were looking for my treasure. I could only see black but when I looked down I could see my feet only a little bit. They searched and searched but had no luck finding my treasure or me. They left soon and I watched the ship disappear out to sea.

Chapter Eight:
I heard a thundering noise of a helicopter approaching the island then it landed on the islands beach I didn’t want to leave the island. But I am leaving; I can’t wait until mum bakes my favourite apple pie. I was dying for a hot shower. I think I am going to have the apple pie for breakfast, dinner and desert tomorrow. When I got in the helicopter mum, she was so happy to see me. As we took off the island became a tiny speck in the distance, I felt happy that I was finally safe.

Term 3 already!

I hope you all have had a fantastic break and are all refresh and energised for another brilliant term! I am very excited to be back at school tomorrow, and I know you will be too.

What have you been doing over the break? I have been keeping very busy getting everything ready for term three and finding some really fun things for us to do. We will be learning all about the Olympics this week and watching the games when they begin (11 days to go... I'm very, very excited). We will also be learning more about multiplication - we will master the times tables - and then we will be moving on to division for maths. For writing we are going to look at descriptive writing and describing people, places and things. I'm looking forward to reading more amazing stories. - you are all brilliant!!

I have also been keeping very busy playing and chasing after Zack, who turned two in the holidays. We had a great time on his birthday we went to a plane museum and to the zoo in Auckland, where we got to feed a giraffe.

Friday 22 June 2012

Autum Leaves

We started our new art project by collecting the autum leaves and tracing them onto paper. We then painted them and cut them out. On another A3 piece of paper we had to paint the background using the complimentary colour of the leaves.

Enjoy our wonderful Autum Artwork

Thursday 14 June 2012

Our Whakapapa and Matariki

We have been very busy in Room 6 learning  a short introduction to share with everyone about our whakapapa. Everyone has done so well and we are practicing our pronunciation for filming next week. Matariki is a time when Whānau comes together to celebrate the new year, new beginnings and remembering those who are not with us.

We are busy learning all about Matariki, (the Pleiades star cluster or the Seven Sisters), and have been looking at all the other types of celebrations around the world that bring people together... and we created quite a list! Here are a few examples from our 'Celebrations from Around the World':
  • Matariki
  • Christmas
  • Chinese New Year
  • Thanksgiving
  • Hanukkah
  • Birthdays
  • Easter
  • New Year
  • Cherry Blossom Festivals
  • ANZAC Day
  • Queens Birthday
  • Deepavali
  • Ramadan
Can you think of any others we could add to our list?

Thursday 7 June 2012


We have started to learn about Matariki, as it is an event which is fast approaching. Once a year, twinkling in the winter sky just before dawn, Matariki (the Pleiades) signals the Māori New Year. Traditionally, it was a time for remembering the dead, and celebrating new life. In the 21st century, observing Matariki has become popular again. Heaven-bound kites, hot-air balloons and fireworks help mark the occasion.

We are learning about different cultural celebrations and how in Room 6 we celebrate similar things and some that are unique to our culture and family. On the 20th June we will be having a shared kai day, where food of importance to your family or culture will be brought in for all to enjoy and learn about.

How to make a mask

How to make a mask

Things I need

·       Red, blue, brown and green coloring pencils

·       Phantom mask

·       Eva glue

·       Moving eyes

·       Sequins


1. Find a phantom mask.

2. Find red, blue, brown and green colouring pencils and colour in a camo pattern

3. Get two moving eyes in each top corner with glue

4. Get sequins then find a little red sequin and glue it in the middle

How to make a mask...


Materials :
A pencil,
A paper mask,
Three coloring pencils,
And a red pipe cleaners.
Instructions  :
1.       First  draw  a line above  and below  the  eyes.
2.      Then cut the  red  pipe  cleaner in half and tape one half on each line.
3.      Next get a skin color pencil  and color in-between the pipe cleaners.
4.       Cut out two eyes.
5.       Then draw two lines above the top pipe cleaner.
6.      Above the top pipe cleaner and under the bottom line color the area in red .
7.      Then color the area above the top line red.
8.      Then in-between the two lines color the area in black.
9.      Then underneath the bottom  pipe cleaner color the area in red but leave a black patch on each cheek.
10.   Get three orange sticky  x’s and two red sticky d’s  and one orange sticky k

Materials :

A pencil,

A paper mask,

Three coloring pencils,

And a red pipe cleaners.

Instructions  :

1.       First  draw  a line above  and below  the  eyes.

2.      Then cut the  red  pipe  cleaner in half and tape one half on each line.

3.      Next get a skin color pencil  and color in-between the pipe cleaners.

4.       Cut out two eyes.

5.       Then draw two lines above the top pipe cleaner.

6.      Above the top pipe cleaner and under the bottom line color the area in red .

7.      Then color the area above the top line red.

8.      Then in-between the two lines color the area in black.

9.      Then underneath the bottom  pipe cleaner color the area in red but leave a black patch on each cheek.

10.   Get three orange sticky  x’s and two red sticky d’s  and one orange sticky k

Grasshopper and Eyeball Pizza - By Rowan

how to make grasshopper and eyeball pizza


The grasshoppers and eyeballs will give you proteins.


16 grasshoppers (dead),

48 eyeballs (from a cat),

16 grams of cow poo,

32 grams of moldy cheese,

And a pizza base.


1.             Get a pizza base and smother cow-poo on it.

2.            Put 4 grams of grated moldy cheese on each eighth of the pizza.

3.            Put 4 grasshoppers on each eighth of the pizza.

4.            Get 48 cat eyeballs and put 6 on each eighth of the pizza.

5.            Then cut out eight slices and make sure each slice has 6 cat eyeballs, 4 grams of cow poo and 4 dead grasshoppers on it.

6.            Take it to the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

7.            Take out of the oven and enjoy.