
Thursday 7 June 2012


We have started to learn about Matariki, as it is an event which is fast approaching. Once a year, twinkling in the winter sky just before dawn, Matariki (the Pleiades) signals the Māori New Year. Traditionally, it was a time for remembering the dead, and celebrating new life. In the 21st century, observing Matariki has become popular again. Heaven-bound kites, hot-air balloons and fireworks help mark the occasion.

We are learning about different cultural celebrations and how in Room 6 we celebrate similar things and some that are unique to our culture and family. On the 20th June we will be having a shared kai day, where food of importance to your family or culture will be brought in for all to enjoy and learn about.

1 comment:

  1. Sienna and Trinity14 June 2012 at 10:16

    Hi Room 6
    We found your blog today but can you tell us where your school is? Can you leave us a comment on our blog.
    From Sienna and Trinity
    Kids with a view
