
Thursday 7 June 2012

Jess B's Wiggly Worm Sundae

Wiggly worm sundae

Purpose: it will clean your throat


·       Cow poo toppings

·       1 cup of grass

·       20 worms

·       1 cup of vomit

·       1 cup of snail shells

·       Some Human blood

·         A glass ice cream



1.     Get a glass from the cupboard and put it on the bench.

2.     Get some ice cream out of the freezer and put it in the glass.

3.     Get some human vomit put it in the glass with the ice cream

4.     Grab  some snail shells and smash them up with a knife

5.     Grab the worms out of the garden and put them on the ice cream.

6.     Go to a paddock and get some cow poo and put it on the ice cream.

7.     Pick some grass from outside and

spiking it over the ice cream.

8.     Cut our thumb and squeezes over the ice cream.

9.     Then it is done and you can eat it 


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