
Thursday 7 June 2012

Jess P's Frog Leg Drink

Frog leg drink

Purpose: frog legs will stick out of your neck.


·    4g grass.

·    1.5L Vampire blood

·    1 cup Cat fur

·    2g butter.


1.                 Get a blender.

2.                 Kill a frog and cut off its legs.

3.                 Put legs in blender and pour vampire blood in.

4.                 Get 4g of grass and put it in the blender.

5.                 Get 2g of butter and put it in the blender.

6.                 Push the button on the blender and it will mix around.

7.                 Take the lid off it and pour it in a cup.

8.                 Kill a wild cat and pluck its fur out.

9.                 Sprinkle fur on top of drink.

10.            There you have it a frog leg drink.


Frog legs will stick out of your neck.

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