
Wednesday 21 March 2012


Last week room 6 won Peanut for having the tidiest cloak bay, but we don’t think we deserve Peanut;we could’ve been far more tidy. None of the Nikau classes deserve Peanut. Mrs Gilbert, Katelyn and Isabella were investigating the others cloak bays as they had to find the tidiest class, “why they don’t they deserve Peanut” they discussed. They saw mess all over the cloak bay outside room 8s. Then they went to the next cloak bay witch is room6. They only saw bags unzipped. But then they went to room 5 and saw rubbish everywhere on the ground and bags unzipped.
Even though we weren’t that clean. We were the cleanest out of Room 5,7,8.
We are watching very carefully now who is keeping their area tidy and have improved so much in our own area too. Thanks Peanut

Written by Haka                      


  1. who did peanut go to???????????? from mmmmmmmmikayla

  2. peanut went to room 5.
