
Monday 19 March 2012

Why wetlands are important to people

We discussed why wetlands are important not only to animals but to a lot of people too. From those who just want to explore this beautiful place to the scientists that research it to the historical facts

by room 6


  1. This is great! There are indeed a lot of different values that wetlands like Lake Serpentine have - from a habitat for plants and animals through to traditional cultural values (for a range of benefits such as gathering and sustaining food or fibre). Consider possible conflicts of interest that might arise between different groups. How might these be resolved?
    Over the last few years a number of different organisations and individuals have worked together to conserve and enhance the natural ecosystem of lake Serpentine. What could students of room 6 do to help wetlands? Are there any wetlands close by that you could look at?

  2. Farmers clearing wetlands for more grazing they might destroy the animals homes and cut down the trees where birds maybe living. Also it is the home of many different fish, they don't want their home destroyed.

    Scientists may not like it if people destroyed the wetlands they would not be able to research and experiment there.

  3. You are really starting to understand how wetlands can be affected and how all aspects are connected. If the water is drained the native plants will die and the native birds and animals will have nowhere to live and no food. Scientists have been studying the effects of farming on wetlands that are nearby and also how to restore wetlands to how they used to be. You might remember the special giant cane (jointed) rush that was growing there. This is an experiement to see if it can be reintoduced to peat wetlands.
    Now that you know how fragile wetlands are and how valuable the can be you might like to brainstorm ideas for a class action to help wetlands. Let me know all your ideas and what your final decision is!
